Neurotoxin Injections

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Neurotoxins are a cutting-edge non-surgical solution that can redefine your appearance by targeting and temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for wrinkles.  Discover the beauty of age-defying results with the precision of Rosenberg Plastic Surgery.

Botox is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that harnesses the power of botulinum toxin to temporarily relax muscles responsible for facial expressions. Dr. David Rosenberg and our team of expert injector practitioners utilize neurotoxins such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and DAXXIFY® to target dynamic wrinkles, such as crow's feet and forehead lines, providing patients with a smoother and more youthful look.

The Procedure

Your journey begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. David Rosenberg or one of our expert injector practitioners. During this session, they assess your facial expressions, discusses your aesthetic goals, and customize a plan tailored to your unique needs.

The chosen neurotoxin is injected into targeted muscles using fine needles. Dr. Rosenberg's precision ensures natural-looking results that maintain facial expressiveness while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Following the procedure, minimal post-treatment care is required. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and rubbing the treated area for a short period.

Ready to experience the transformative effects of Botox?

Botox vs. daxxify

Daxxify and Botox, two powerful treatments offering remarkable results in wrinkle reduction. Similar in their mechanism and outcomes, both Daxxify and Botox are neuromodulators designed to relax targeted muscles, thus minimizing wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. They effectively combat even the most pronounced signs of aging.

Key Distinctions:

Duration of Results:
Daxxify stands out for its longer-lasting effects, typically lasting 2-3 times longer than Botox and other neurotoxins. With Daxxify, patients can enjoy wrinkle-free skin for 6-9 months compared to Botox's 3-4 months. This prolonged effect is attributed to Daxxify's unique formulation, which includes a protein enhancing the toxin's duration. Botox lacks this protein component.

Targeted Wrinkles:
While Botox is FDA-approved for treating various lines and wrinkles, including frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet, Daxxify is currently approved solely for glabellar lines treatment.

Formulation and Dosage:
Daxxify and Botox possess distinct formulations and are individual medications within the neuromodulator category. Despite both achieving muscle relaxation by blocking nerve signals, their doses and formulations differ significantly. For instance, the minimum dose for glabellar lines is 20 units for Botox and 40 units for Daxxify.

Length of Time on Market:
Daxxify, approved by the FDA in 2022, is a recent addition to the market. In contrast, Botox has been approved since 2002 and has established itself as a staple in wrinkle reduction treatments worldwide. Despite its recent introduction, Daxxify's longer-lasting results have propelled its acceptance in the market.

Cost Consideration:
While Daxxify tends to have a higher per-unit cost than Botox, its longer duration results in fewer required treatments per year. Consequently, Daxxify may ultimately be a more cost-effective option, as patients need fewer maintenance sessions.

Both Botox and Daxxify offer exceptional non-surgical solutions for wrinkle reduction, boasting safety and efficacy. While Daxxify provides longer-lasting results, Botox offers versatility in addressing various types of wrinkles. 

why choose neurotoxins?

Reduced Dynamic Wrinkles
Botox effectively reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles by temporarily relaxing specific facial muscles. This results in a smoother and more youthful complexion.

Non-Surgical Solution
Botox is a non-surgical procedure, making it a convenient option for those seeking facial rejuvenation without the need for incisions or downtime.

Quick and Painless Treatment
The Botox treatment is quick and virtually painless. Patients can undergo the procedure during a lunch break and resume their daily activities immediately afterward.

Unlocking the Versatility of neurotoxins: A Comprehensive Guide to Applications

Neurotoxins have transcended its initial cosmetic applications, revealing a diverse range of uses across various areas of the face and body. At Rosenberg Plastic Surgery, we embrace the full spectrum of Botox's capabilities, utilizing its precision and effectiveness to address both aesthetic and therapeutic concerns.

Aesthetic Uses

1. Forehead and Glabellar Lines:
   - Application: Neurotoxins are adept at softening and reducing the appearance of forehead lines and glabellar lines (frown lines between the eyebrows), resulting in a smoother and more youthful forehead.

2. Crow's Feet:
   - Technique: Administering Neurotoxins around the eyes can effectively diminish crow's feet, restoring a youthful and vibrant appearance to the delicate eye area.

3. Brow Lift:
   - Approach: Neurotoxins strategically placed in the brow area can create a subtle lift, providing a refreshed and rejuvenated look without the need for surgical intervention.

4. Nasolabial Folds:
   - Enhancement: Neurotoxins injections around the nose and mouth can contribute to the reduction of nasolabial folds, softening lines for a more youthful facial contour.

5. Chin Dimpling:
   - Refinement: Neurotoxins can be used to address chin dimpling, providing a smoother appearance to the chin area and enhancing overall facial aesthetics.

6. Lip Lines and Lip Flip:
   - Detailing: Neurotoxins injections around the lips can reduce the appearance of vertical lip lines. The lip flip technique involves using Botox to subtly enhance the upper lip for a more defined smile.

7. Décolletage Rejuvenation:
   - Revitalization: Neurotoxins is utilized to address lines on the décolletage, offering a non-surgical solution for rejuvenating this often-neglected area.

Therapeutic Uses:

1. Migraine Management:
   - Relief: Neurotoxins such as Botox are an FDA-approved treatment for chronic migraines, providing relief by targeting specific head and neck muscles.

2. Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating):
   - Control: Neurotoxin injections effectively control excessive sweating, particularly in areas such as the underarms, palms, and soles of the feet.

3. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Treatment:
   - Muscle Relaxation: Neurotoxin injections into the jaw muscles can manage bruxism, alleviating teeth grinding and associated jaw pain.

4. Muscle Spasms and Strabismus:
   - Correction: Neurotoxins are used therapeutically to treat muscle spasms and correct strabismus (crossed eyes), offering functional improvements.

5. Overactive Bladder (OAB) Treatment:
   - Bladder Control: Neurotoxin injections into the bladder muscles can alleviate symptoms of overactive bladder, improving quality of life.

6. Cervical Dystonia:
   - Neurological Support: Neurotoxin injections are employed in the management of cervical dystonia, a condition characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in the neck.

neurotoxin FAQS

How do Botox and Daxxify work?

Both Daxxify and Botox are neuromodulators that relax targeted muscles, reducing wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. 

Daxxify offers longer-lasting results and may be more cost-effective in the long run, while Botox has a broader range of FDA-approved uses.


Who administers Neurotoxins at Rosenberg Plastic Surgery?

Botox injections can be administered by either Dr. David Rosenberg or our team of expert injector practitioners. Both ensure a high level of skill and expertise in achieving natural-looking results.


What areas of the face can be treated with neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins are commonly used to address dynamic wrinkles such as crow's feet, forehead lines, and frown lines between the eyebrows. Treatment areas can be customized based on individual concerns and goals.


Is neurotoxin a painful procedure, and what is the downtime?

Neurotoxin injections are typically well-tolerated, and any discomfort is minimal. There is no downtime associated with the procedure, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately.


How long do the results of neurotoxins last?

The effects of neurotoxins are temporary and typically last three to four months. Individual results may vary, and maintenance treatments are recommended to sustain the rejuvenated appearance. Dr. David Rosenberg or our expert injectors can provide guidance on personalized treatment plans.


Are there any side effects associated with neurotoxin?

While neurotoxins are generally safe, minor side effects such as bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site may occur. These effects are typically temporary and resolve on their own. Dr. David Rosenberg or our expert injectors take measures to minimize the risk of side effects.


How soon will I see results after my neurotoxin treatment?

Patients often start noticing the effects of Botox within a few days, with full results becoming evident in about one to two weeks. The gradual onset ensures a natural-looking transformation.


Can I combine Botox with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, Botox can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Dr. David Rosenberg can discuss personalized treatment plans that may include a combination of treatments for optimal results.


Is Botox suitable for everyone?

Botox is generally safe for most individuals, but it may not be suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women and those with certain medical conditions. A thorough consultation with Dr. David Rosenberg or our expert injectors helps determine candidacy based on individual health and aesthetic goals.


How often should I undergo Botox treatments to maintain results?

The effects of Botox are temporary, and maintenance treatments are typically recommended every three to four months to sustain the rejuvenated appearance. Dr. David Rosenberg or our expert injectors can advise on the most suitable schedule based on individual needs.

Your personalized
transformation awaits

let's begin the conversation.

Take the first step towards a more confident and rejuvenated you. Schedule your consultation today and discover the transformative possibilities that await at Rosenberg Plastic Surgery. Your beauty, refined and enhanced with precision, awaits. 

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