Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

No two individuals are the same, and
Dr. Rosenberg embraces this uniqueness. Your Breast Reduction journey is tailored to your specific anatomy, goals, and lifestyle. The procedure is not just about reducing breast size but sculpting a new contour that complements your body shape and enhances your comfort.

Breast Reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is a specialized surgical intervention aimed at achieving a harmonious and proportionate breast size. Dr. David Rosenberg, a leader in the field of plastic surgery, combines surgical expertise with a patient-centric approach to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the transformative process.

The Procedure

Breast Reduction, clinically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure meticulously designed to alleviate physical discomfort and enhance the overall aesthetic balance of the breasts. It involves the removal of excess breast tissue, reshaping the breasts to achieve a size that aligns with your unique anatomy and personal preferences.

Your journey begins with a personalized consultation where Dr. Rosenberg takes the time to understand your unique concerns and aspirations. This collaborative experience sets the foundation for a customized Breast Reduction plan that not only addresses your physical discomfort but also enhances your overall body contours with an artistic touch.

Dr. Rosenberg's meticulous surgical techniques focus not only on achieving aesthetically pleasing results but also on preserving and improving your comfort. The reduction in breast volume is carefully calibrated to alleviate physical discomfort associated with larger breasts, including back pain, shoulder grooving, and limitations in physical activities.

Key Benefits

Physical Relief
Alleviate the physical discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

Enhanced Aesthetics
Achieve a balanced and proportionate breast size that complements your overall body contours.

Boosted Confidence
Experience a newfound confidence and liberation that comes with a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing breast size.

Improved Lifestyle
Enjoy increased ease in physical activities and clothing options that align with your preferences.

Benefits Beyond Comfort

Breast Reduction offers a range of benefits beyond physical comfort. Patients often experience relief from back and neck pain, improved posture, and a newfound sense of confidence in their body. Dr. Rosenberg's artistic approach ensures that the results not only align with your functional goals but also contribute to a beautifully balanced and natural-looking appearance.

Your Comfort and Safety

At Rosenberg Plastic Surgery, your well-being is our utmost priority. Our journey begins with a personalized consultation where Dr. Rosenberg takes the time to understand your unique concerns and aspirations. This collaborative experience sets the foundation for a customized Breast Reduction plan that not only addresses your physical discomfort but also enhances your overall body contours with an artistic touch.

Dr. David Rosenberg's patient-centric approach, coupled with a focus on safety and aesthetic precision, ensures that your experience is not just a procedure but a step toward a more comfortable and confident you.

Breast Reduction Faqs

Am I a candidate for breast reduction?

Candidates often include individuals experiencing physical discomfort, such as back and neck pain, due to overly large breasts. Dr. David Rosenberg can assess your candidacy during a personalized consultation.


How is breast reduction performed?

The procedure involves removing excess breast tissue and reshaping the breasts to achieve a size that aligns with the patient's unique anatomy and preferences. Incisions are strategically placed to minimize scarring.


Is breast reduction painful?

Discomfort is expected after surgery, but Dr. Rosenberg employs advanced anesthesia techniques to ensure a comfortable experience. Pain management strategies are also provided during the recovery period.


How long is the recovery period after breast reduction?

Recovery times vary, but patients can usually resume normal activities within a few weeks. Dr. Rosenberg provides personalized postoperative care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.


Will there be visible scars after breast reduction?

Incisions are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. Dr. Rosenberg utilizes advanced techniques to ensure that scars are discreet and well-concealed.


How long do the results of breast reduction last?

Results are long-lasting, but factors such as aging, lifestyle, and changes in weight may impact the breasts over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle contributes to the longevity of the results.


Can breast reduction be combined with other procedures?

Yes, breast reduction can be combined with other procedures if desired. Dr. Rosenberg discusses potential combinations during the consultation to address your specific goals.


Will insurance cover the cost of breast reduction?

In some cases, insurance may cover the cost of breast reduction if the procedure is deemed medically necessary. Our team can assist in navigating insurance processes and providing necessary documentation.

Your personalized
transformation awaits

let's begin the conversation.

Take the first step towards a more confident and rejuvenated you. Schedule your consultation today and discover the transformative possibilities that await at Rosenberg Plastic Surgery. Your beauty, refined and enhanced with precision, awaits. 

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